Choose how you shape the future

Do you want to make an impact for the good of others? You may not realize how easy it is to make a life-changing gift to us just by adding a few sentences to a new or existing will. August is National Make-A-Will Month—the perfect time to read more about this powerful, satisfying way to shape our future and create your legacy.

An opportunity for planning and giving

A will is an important legal document that ensures your wishes are understood and fulfilled and your loved ones and favorite charities are supported. With a will, you can:

  • Choose how your assets will be distributed
  • Name a guardian for any minor children
  • Appoint a person to settle your affairs
  • Take steps to minimize taxes and ease estate administration
  • Create a legacy by including a gift to support our meaningful mission

A powerful, flexible option

Including a charitable gift in your will offers numerous benefits.

  • Flexible. You can specify a particular amount or asset, a percentage of your estate, or even what is left in your estate after all other debts and obligations have been paid. You retain the assets throughout your life and can easily change your gift if your goals or circumstances change.
  • Tax-wise. Because a charitable gift in your will reduces the size of your estate, you can potentially reduce or even eliminate any estate tax liability, resulting in a larger inheritance for loved ones.
  • Comfortable. A gift in your will can make a significant future impact—without affecting your current finances at all.
  • Legacy-shaping. A gift in your will creates a legacy of caring. It ensures the ongoing support of your values and priorities by enabling us to continue our essential work for years to come.

Instructions that cover most of your assets

Note that not all property passes under your will. Some assets pass directly to named beneficiaries, such as life insurance policies, IRAs, retirement accounts, and many types of financial accounts. Naming a charitable beneficiary designation is another easy, powerful gift that can impact our mission for years to come.

You can read more about creating your legacy with a gift in your will or a charitable beneficiary designation in the Ways to Give section of the website. We also invite you to access the legal language you’ll need to include a gift in your will, locate helpful booklets for additional information, or reach out to start a conversation about what you’d like to accomplish.

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